Some of them here by the Bridge are different.
These pets were beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved.
They watch wistfully as their friends leave one by one,
to cross the bridge with their special person.

For them there is no one, no special one.
Their time on earth did not give them one.

But one day, as they run and play,
they notice someone standing by the road to the bridge.
This person wistfully watches the reunions of friends,
for during life, this person had no pet.
This person was beaten, starved, tortured, and unloved.

Standing there alone, one of the unloved pets approaches,
curious as to why this one is alone.
And as the unloved pet and the unloved person get nearer to each other,
a miracle occurs, for these are the ones who were meant to be together,
the special person and the beloved pet
who never had the chance to meet while on Earth.

Finally, now, at the edge of the Rainbow Bridge,
their souls meet, the pain and the sorrow disappears,
and two friends are together.
They cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.

*Author Unknown*